Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Once Upon A Time Challenge Day Two Update

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

After two days of the Once Upon a Read-a-thon, I have finished a total of three phenomenal books:

Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce  324 pages
Brightly Woven by Alexandr Bracken 354 pages
Shade by Teri Smith-Ready 309 pages

Total pages read 987

Yesterday I did two mini challenges the first one hosted by A Blog About Nothing  asked us to name of a book or series that you would love to see get made into a movie or a TV show and your cast choices for the main characters. My Book to Movie cast characters from Lesley Livingston's Wondrous Strange and Darklight. 

Confessions of a Bookaholic hosted a mini challenge asking  us to respond to two questions:

1. What makes you the most emotional when you read it in a book.
2. What book has made you the most emotional.

This was my answer to both: 

There are lots of things that make me emotional, but the thing that actually makes me cry is when I am so attached to a character and something bad happens to them. For example, I cried when Jess learns of Leslie's death in Bridge to Terabithia. In fact, when I was reading it aloud to my son I cried the whole time I was reading the end of the book. At the same time I also find myself laughing out loud when a character is describing a funny situation. The Absolutely True Confessions of a Part-time Indian had me laughing and crying. I laughed because Arnold used his humor to keep the despair and heartbreak at bay, and the ending was hopeful, but also sad.

One more day before the end of the read-a-thon so back to my eay chair and another book.


Michelle Santiago said...

hi jan! i LOVED jackson pearce's sisters red! i'm glad you did too. i can't wait to read your full review on it.

Nicole K/GothamGal said...

Congrats! I want to read Sisters Red. LOL

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