Thursday, September 1, 2011

Book Looks Mini Review of
Eon Dragoneye Reborn by Allsion Goodman

Thursday, September 1, 2011
Book Looks are mini reviews of books I have read where I atttempt (key word attempt) to review a book using six sentences or less.  This format was created by Staci at Life in a Thumb .

Eon has been studying the ancient art of Dragon Magic for four years, hoping he'll be able to apprentice to one of the twelve energy dragons of good fortune. But he also has a dark secret. He is actually Eona, a sixteen-year-old girl who has been living a dangerous lie for the chance to become a Dragon-eye, the human link to an energy dragon's power. It is forbidden for females to practice the Dragon Magic and, if discovered, Eon faces a terrible death. After a dazzling sword ceremony, Eon's affinity with the twelve dragons catapults him into the treacherous world of the Imperial court, where he makes a powerful enemy, Lord Ido. As tension builds and Eon's desperate lie comes to light, readers won't be able to stop turning the pages. (Publisher's summary from Goodreads)
I had no idea when I downloaded Eon Dragoneye Reborn from Audible that I would irrevocably fall in love with this book. The plot, which focuses around Eon's master's attempt to sponsor a dragoneye apprentice hoping to regain a power position in the Emperor's court is richly steeped in old world dragon lore that has strong Asian influences. I loved the intrigued that centered around  the dragoneyes, the Emperor and his son, and the Emperor's brother's, subterfuge; unfortunately, Eon becomes both a pawn and savior in the upheaval that ensues.  Eon who has been forced to disguise the fact that he is actually a she is one of the most dazzling characters I have ever met.  Although physically handicapped, mentally she is one of the strongest female leads in YA. Her affections toward those around her know no bounds, and she fights tooth and nail for what is right even at the cost of her own safety.  In addition to, Goodman's masterful characterization of Eon, the secondary characters also breathed life into each page making this an epic tale that should not be missed and I highly recommend the audio version read by Nancy Wu.

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