If you would like me to review your young adult or middle school novel, I would consider it an honor. I will provide an honest assessment of the book in my review. I would also love to include interviews or guest post by and about an author. Please read my Review Policyand Disclosure Policy feel free to contact me at vonharzj@gmail.com
Just in case you aren't aware Alyssa at The Shady Glade organized a debut novel book battle this spring. For all the details check out Alyssa'sIntroduction Post.
As one of the round 4 judges I read two book The Iron King by Julie Kagawa and Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver. Needless to say it was a very difficult decision to choose between these phenomenal debut novels. Both have uniquely original plots, but being from different genres (fantasy vs contemporary fiction) made a decision much harder. While I love Kagawa evocative and poetic prose, and characters, Oliver's realistic setting and authentic YA issues are very appealing too. I did feel that Samatha's character growth in Before I Fall was much more dynamic than Meghan's was in The Iron King. Finally, my judging partner, Elizabeth from Thinking of Thinking, and I both felt that Before I Fall has a stronger, more compelling message than Iron King .
So Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver will go on the round 5.
1 Cherry = Yuk! (couldn't finish it was that bad)2 Cherries = Bland (very little flavor wouldn't recommend)3 Cherries = Palatable
(satisfying)4 Cherries = Deelish (a highly pleasant reading experience)5 Cherries = A Feast (a celebration for themind and senses)
Before I Fall wins, hands down! :)
I just finished Before I Fall. I haven't read Iron King, but it'd have to be something extra super-duper special to top BIF. Good choice!
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