Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Review/ The Demon's Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Nick and his brother, Alan, have spent their lives on the run from magic. Their father was murdered, and their mother was driven mad by magicians and the demons who give them power. The magicians are hunting the Ryves family for a charm that Nick's mother stole -- a charm that keeps her alive -- and they want it badly enough to kill again.

Danger draws even closer when a brother and sister come to the Ryves family for help. The boy wears a demon's mark, a sign of death that almost nothing can erase...and when Alan also gets marked by a demon, Nick is des-perate to save him. The only way to do that is to kill one of the magicians they have been hiding from for so long.

Ensnared in a deadly game of cat and mouse, Nick starts to suspect that his brother is telling him lie after lie about their past. As the magicians' Circle closes in on their family, Nick uncovers the secret that could destroy them all.

Several things brought me to borrow The Demon’s Lexicon. First, I had read reviews on other blogs, which piqued my interest. Secondly, I had not read any books about demon’s so that too had me wondering just what this tale had to tell. Third, the protagonist was male, and I am always looking for books to turn my male students onto and the cover made me think that most of my eighth grade boys would think a sword, wheeling guy might be someone cool to read about.

I must admit I had a difficult time getting into the book. Brennan’s sentence structure was jerky and it took me a while to get use to her style. I also had a hard time relating to Nick, which after reading the book through I realized there was certainly a reason for my distaste. As the story unfolded I did get very intrigued by the mystery surrounding Nick and his mum, and I really like Nick’s brother, Alan and wanted to know how the story would end.

I am glad I stuck with the book because Brennan did create a fascinating story of magicians gaining power through the use of demon’s. Had I stopped reading I would never have understood the unusual bond between Alan and Nick. I especially enjoyed the idea behind the Goblin Market and the allusion to Chritina Rossetti’s poem, which is one of my favorites. The ending was quite surprising and one I did not see coming, and I feel that Brennan’s wrap-up was very well done. So much so that I definitely want to read the sequel Demon’s Covenant to find out what happens to Nick, Alan, Mae and her brother, Jamie. I think the series will have some very interesting things to offer. 

In the end, The Demon’s Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan, turned out to be a remarkable read that offers a very different story about loyalty, sacrifice, magic and power, and will appeal to the young adult audience, especially guys.


Michelle Santiago said...

i agree. there's not a lot of YA book nowadays that can be read by boys and girls (like how Harry Potter was). this book sounds interesting but i don't know if i'll pick it up. as always, thanks for the review jan!

Emidy @ Une Parole said...

This is the first time I'm learning of this book. It's great to hear that boys would enjoy it - I never see guys my age reading!

Kris (Voracious YAppetite) said...

Glad that you ended up enjoying it. TDL was one of my favorite YA reads of last year. (:

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