Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010 Off to a Flying Start (sort of)

Saturday, January 2, 2010
I was so excited yesterday as I finished listing all the challenges I had signed up for and began reading my first book of the New Year.  I alternated between reading, writing, and cleaning house, and managed to finish book number one (ya), frustrated myself with the writing, and partially cleaned the house.

And then it dawned on me when I checked the copyright date of the book that I had finished, which was published in 2007 that I needed to set down some rules for myself and my blog. Since I have an Oldies but Goodies review page, where I review books I have either read a long time ago and feel they are still very much worth talking about, or books I meant to read but never quite got to. However, I never set down guidelines for what constituted old. 

So I decided that in order for a book to be considered an oldie but goodie it needs to be at least five years old. This seems like a reasonable amount of time to label a book old in today's market place. After all there are lots and lots of young adult books being published, and trying to keep up with all of them is a very daunting task. I also have no connections with publishers or authors yet, so the chances of my being able to obtain the coveted ARC's will limit my reading of newer books to the ones that I can either buy or check out at the library.

The goodie part is a lot easier to handle. Although I will rarely finish reading a book I do not like, not all books I do finish are goodies. So the goodie part while totally subjective on my part will simple be books I feel were worth the time spent reading because all the elements of fiction (plot, character, setting, point of view, and theme) work together to create an engaging story.

Anyway I am glad I got this settled, but I am open to suggestions if anyone out there has some.


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