Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My Top Ten Books I Had VERY Strong Emotions About

Tuesday, November 1, 2011
This week's Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke and the Bookish is all about those books that in some way raised your emotional levels: made you cry, laugh out loud, or had you screaming at the top of your lungs in frustration or anger.

Bridge to Terabithia by Kathrine Peterson: My son, who unlike his mother, hated to read and avoided it at all costs.  One night I found out he was suppose to finish this book for class, and still had several chapters to finish. While I had read this book already, I proceeded to read it out loud to him before bed that night. As we got to (spoiler ahead) the part when Jess learns about Leslie's death, tears began to fall and by the time I finished I was sobbing uncontrollably as I read. Not sure whether it was my emotional breakdown, or the story, or both, but I had my son in tears too.

Souless by Gail Carrington: I listened to this book on audio and remember sitting in the car laughing out loud at the ending, which was the most hysterical and sexy honeymoon scene I have ever read.

Paper Towns by John Green: Another audio book that had me laughing out loud in my car, but also had me fearing the end. Sometimes I wonder what people must think when they see me driving along and cracking up when there is obviously no one in the car with me.

Eva by Peter Dickinson: Another older book that remains a favorite of mine and emotionally torn by the subject matter. Eva's parents in an effort to save her life after a horrific accident transplants her brain into the body of chimpanzee. The story revolves around her adjustment and eventual acceptance, with a very unusual twist at the end. I was outraged and distraught reliving all Eva's emotions right along with her.

Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok: The hard realities of a young Chinese immigrant attempting to find her place in America, while maintaining her own culture and the dealing secretly with her poverty was an emotional rollercoaster.

Where the Read Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls: I came to this book not as a children but as an adult. The ending was a heart-breaker and definitely left me in tears.  

1984 by George Orwell: My first dystopian novel read in high school and it left an indelible mark causing lots of different emotions including fear and outrage for the characters and their lives.

Tuedays With Morrie by Mitch Albom: A book that is both uplifting and sad filled with such strong emotions.

New Moon by Stephanie Meyers: OK I know that these books produce strong emotions on both sides of the spectrum, but I read them as they were published and this one had me hurting a lot. The separation between Bella and Edward was very upsetting and I sped through the book wanting to see these two star-crossed lovers reunited. 

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte: One of the most romantic and books I have ever read. I felt so much sympathy for Jane's life and wanted so much for her to be loved. I rejoiced at the ending. 


Windowpane Memoirs said...

Great selection of Books. I remember that I cried with Bridge to Terabithia.

Unknown said...

bahaha I felt the EXACT same way about New Moon!

Kelly said...

I hated that Edward wasn't really in New Moon! And that Bella doubted him! Made me so angry!

My Top Ten List

Small Review said...

That part in Bridge to Terabithia always makes me bawl!

Sab H. said...

I'm reading Paper Towns right now! It's the one John Green book I hadn't read. I remember your comment that you were gonna read the Cinda Chima books, I'm so glad you loved them! They are just magical and perfect and so intricate and sexy! <3

Great list. I need to read Souless too, I might listen to it now that I know you loved it ;)

Jenny said...

I did the same thing with New Moon! I was distraught when he left her and I couldn't turn the pages fast enough to get to the part where he came back:) Love that you were laughing like a crazy person alone in your card to Soulless. That was a fabulous book:)

Lillie (AliseOnLife) said...

Jane Eyre made me feel the same way. Every time I re-read it, I like knowing she's going to get a happy ending. As with many books that I've come to love, Bridge to Terabithia was recommended to me by a friend when I was in grade school. So glad I read it.

Great list!

The Reading Date said...

Yes, I definitely agree with New Moon. That was a sad one. I may have to check out the audio for Paper Towns. It sounds great!

Tanya Patrice said...

Love your selections - totally agree about Jane Eyre.

Angie @ Beneath the Jacket said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

I still have to read Paper Towns (and any John Green). I'll make sure it's the first one I read!

Anonymous said...

Total agreement on my part for:
Bridge to Terabithia, Where the Red Fern Grows, 1984!

Natalie said...

Jane Eyre is one of my all time favorite classics. I've read it at least three times. One of my classes next semester is actually focusing on Charlotte Bronte's work, so I'm excited to read more of her books!

Christin said...

Great selections! I love that Jane Eyre and Tuesdays with Morrie made your list. Both great books!

Thanks for stopping by my TTT :)

Fiktshun said...

Oh, Where the Read Fern Grows. I do remember being sad when I read that as a child. And Jane Eyre is such a romantic book. I love that book.

Soulless sounds really interesting. I will definitely be checking that out on GR.

Great TTT list!

danya said...

Eva actually really freaked me out - something about her being turned into a chimpanzee was unsettling, and I don't think I actually ever finished reading it. Of course, this was years and years ago...I wonder how I would react now? *ponders*

Casey (The Bookish Type) said...

Sexy AND funny honeymoon scene? Well I am definitely intrigued! New Moon was really upsetting for me too -- I was like WTF Edward. Re-reading it though, I was more Team Jacob, so I was like BRING ON THE WEREWOLVES!

Staci said...

Bridge to Terabithia made my oldest son cry too! We watched the movie when he was in 4th grade and when he found out his teacher was going to read it with the class he freaked out!
* I bought Souless for my Kindle..haven't read it yet.

* Marc and I loved loved loved Paper Towns..heck, we love all his stuff.

*Will have to get Eva.
* I have a copy of Girl...
* I have never read Red fern..can you believe it? Me either!
*1984 haven't read that one either.
* Loved Tuesdays..made me bawl like a baby!
* I enjoyed all the Twilight books
* started but have not finished Jane Eyre..need to do that!

Just a Lil Lost said...

I hear Girl in Translation is a good read!
I had the opposite feelings for New Moon.. lol.. I hated Jacob in this, hated that they weren't together.. just everything about it was so frustrating!

Thanks for stopping by!

Michele | My Top 10

Lola said...

Great list! I had the same feeling about New Moon. Also, 1984 is on my list too! :)

Book Sake said...

Absolutely Jane Eyre!! Oh yes.

Melissa (i swim for oceans) said...

Oh my gosh, yes to Bridge to Terabithia! SUCH a great book! Fabulous list, Jan :)

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